Ocean Dance




Ocean Dance is a dance in the multidimensional space of water, at a depth of 0-18 meters. That’s how it looks from the outside.


From the inside it is the embodiment of everyone’s childhood dream – to fly. 

The experience of this form is flying, total freedom of movement and self-expression, a state of playfulness and joy, a feeling of support and pacification.


The teaching system is authoring, at the junction of dance, somatics, psychology, and freediving. 


In learning this unique form of dance, we learn such vital skills as bodily awareness at rest and in motion, work with stress response, physical principles of ergonomic movement in water, interaction in contact with another person and the foundations of natural movement.


This kind of dance can be practiced at the depth from 0 meters, not necessarily involving deep immersion. It is easy to explain through movement and touch. The experience of being weightless helps to experience the freedom of movement that some of us don’t have on land. That makes this dance available, suitable and helpful for people of diverse age and range of abilities.


After all… it is simply beautiful, plus giving so much space for the free exploration… what makes it interesting for the artists of all kinds.



In these classes you will get all the basic principles of moving in water and through water. Which will facilitate your dance, as well as your swimming skills to work better for you.
You’ll discover somatic images that open your freedom to move 3-dimensionally in water.
You’ll hear comments of other participants and will learn the answers.
You’ll develop a better orientation in space while being in water.
You’ll find ease with breath holding/
You will learn to stay restful on the surface of water.
You’ll receive simple keys that will disclose tenderness, care and openness to explore in a duet-trio and so on…


If you are an embodiment teacher of any kind, this course will give you a lot of ideas to play on land and in water.


If you’re interested in an “Instructors course of Ocean Dance”, text me on Whatsapp and let’s stay in touch! +52 1 624 240 1417 Sasha Bezrodnova



It is a course of 20 classes, each video lasts about 30 min. Consider having about 2 hours to listen to the videos and to try out what is suggested in the exercises. If you don’t have that much time, or the water is too cold, you can divide the work with each class into pieces.

These classes are building up the material, from 1 to 20. Start from the first and continue one by one.


Find a support for your phone, computer or tablet, from where you will watch the course. Make sure that this electronic device will not get into water. 


You can invite friends to play with you in water. You will need about 4-6 square meters for each couple, if you work in a swimming pool. 


If the water is under 28 degrees Celsius, consider wearing a wetsuit. Or go out of water, warm and dry yourself between the parts of the session. Of course, wearing a wetsuit is very limiting for our perception and movement, and also makes you float more, which makes things more difficult and reduces the pleasure of the dance. 

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